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Stuart Feldstein

Acting Principal Deputy Chief Counsel

Stuart Feldstein

Stuart Feldstein is Acting Principal Deputy Chief Counsel at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). 

In his role, Mr. Feldstein oversees the agency’s legal and licensing activities, including legal advisory services to bank supervision and policy, legislative initiatives, the chartering of new banks, and changes in structure and activities of existing banks. He serves on the OCC’s Executive Committee and provides advice and counsel to the Comptroller of the Currency and senior OCC executives. 

He previously served as the Director for Bank Advisory where he participated in and supervised the analysis and drafting of legislative initiatives of importance to the national banking system and the OCC; and analysis and advice pertaining to the federal preemption of state law, the regulatory capital requirements that apply to national banks, and the OCC's oversight of federal branches and agencies of foreign banks, and the international activities of national banks. 

Mr. Feldstein joined the staff of the OCC in 1993 and was an Assistant Director in the Legislative and Regulatory Activities Division until 2010. From 1989 until joining the OCC, he was a senior associate at a law firm working on issues related to the financial services industry. Mr. Feldstein began federal government service in 1985 at the predecessor agency of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. 

Mr. Feldstein received his juris doctor in 1984 from the George Washington University School of Law, and a bachelor of arts (magna cum laude) in history and political science in 1981 from the University of Rochester.