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News Release 2023-1 | January 3, 2023

Agencies Issue Joint Statement on Crypto-Asset Risks to Banking Organizations

Joint Release

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal bank regulatory agencies today issued a statement highlighting key risks for banking organizations associated with crypto-assets and the crypto-asset sector and describing the agencies’ approaches to supervision in this area.

In particular, the statement describes several key risks associated with crypto-assets and the crypto-asset sector, as demonstrated by the significant volatility and vulnerabilities over the past year. Given these risks, the agencies continue to take a careful and cautious approach related to current and proposed crypto-asset-related activities and exposures at banking organizations. The agencies continue to assess whether or how current and proposed crypto-asset-related activities by banking organizations can be conducted in a manner that is safe and sound, legally permissible, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including those designed to protect consumers.

The agencies will continue to closely monitor crypto-asset-related exposures of banking organizations, and, as warranted, will issue additional statements related to engagement by banking organizations in crypto-asset related activities.

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Federal Reserve
Darren Gersh
(202) 452-2955

Carroll Kim
(202) 898-7389

Stephanie Collins
(202) 649-6870