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The Monthly Schedule of Short-term Investment Funds (STIF) is used by banks that manage a STIF, pursuant to 12 CFR 9.18, to disclose information about the fund and its portfolio holdings to the OCC within five business days after each calendar month-end. For questions, contact the Asset Management Policy unit:
Banks must submit the completed STIF Template (XLSX) through the OCC's BankNet website. Register for access to the OCC's BankNet website. If you have any questions regarding the BankNet registration process, please contact BankNet support at or 1 (800) 641-5925.
Once you have obtained your BankNet user ID and password, you will use BankNet's Large File Transfer process to upload the template via BankNet. These are instructions (PDF) for BankNet's Large File Transfer. Please remember to upload your files to the "STIF" folder.
In general, the terms used in these instructions and for the monthly disclosure template are defined in the same manner as terms used in Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 2a-7 for money market funds (17 CFR 270.2a-7). All banks subject to these disclosure requirements must submit monthly STIF disclosures electronically using the Monthly Schedule of Short-Term Investment Funds template provided. No changes can be made to the template. Banks that manage multiple STIF funds must submit the disclosure information for each fund in a separate file.
OCC Chief Counsel's Interpretation on National Trust Banks (PDF)
Requests Under 716(f) of the Dodd-Frank Act
Register for Monthly Schedule of Short-Term Investment Funds
Register as a Transfer Agent